Pepr CLI

npx pepr init

Initialize a new Pepr Module.


  • --skip-post-init - Skip npm install, git init and VSCode launch.
  • --confirm - Skip verification prompt when creating a new module.
  • --description <string> - Explain the purpose of the new module.
  • --name <string> - Set the name of the new module.
  • --skip-post-init - Skip npm install, git init, and VSCode launch.
  • --errorBehavior <audit|ignore|reject> - Set an errorBehavior.

npx pepr update

Update the current Pepr Module to the latest SDK version. This command is not recommended for production use, instead, we recommend Renovate or Dependabot for automated updates.


  • --skip-template-update - Skip updating the template files

npx pepr dev

Connect a local cluster to a local version of the Pepr Controller to do real-time debugging of your module. Note the npx pepr dev assumes a K3d cluster is running by default. If you are working with Kind or another docker-based K8s distro, you will need to pass the --host host.docker.internal option to npx pepr dev. If working with a remote cluster you will have to give Pepr a host path to your machine that is reachable from the K8s cluster.

NOTE: This command, by necessity, installs resources into the cluster you run it against. Generally, these resources are removed once the pepr dev session ends but there are two notable exceptions:

  • the pepr-system namespace, and
  • the PeprStore CRD.

These can’t be auto-removed because they’re global in scope & doing so would risk wrecking any other Pepr deployments that are already running in-cluster. If (for some strange reason) you’re not pepr dev-ing against an ephemeral dev cluster and need to keep the cluster clean, you’ll have to remove these hold-overs yourself (or not)!


  • -h, --host [host] - Host to listen on (default: “host.k3d.internal”)
  • --confirm - Skip confirmation prompt

npx pepr deploy

Deploy the current module into a Kubernetes cluster, useful for CI systems. Not recommended for production use.


  • -i, --image [image] - Override the image tag
  • --confirm - Skip confirmation prompt
  • --pullSecret <name> - Deploy imagePullSecret for Controller private registry
  • --docker-server <server> - Docker server address
  • --docker-username <username> - Docker registry username
  • --docker-email <email> - Email for Docker registry
  • --docker-password <password> - Password for Docker registry
  • --force - Force deploy the module, override manager field

npx pepr monitor

Monitor Validations for a given Pepr Module or all Pepr Modules.


npx pepr monitor [options] [module-uuid]


  • -h, --help - Display help for command

npx pepr uuid

Module UUID(s) currently deployed in the cluster with their descriptions.


  • [uuid] - Specific module UUID

npx pepr build

Create a zarf.yaml and K8s manifest for the current module. This includes everything needed to deploy Pepr and the current module into production environments.


  • -e, --entry-point [file] - Specify the entry point file to build with. (default: “pepr.ts”)
  • -n, --no-embed - Disables embedding of deployment files into output module. Useful when creating library modules intended solely for reuse/distribution via NPM
  • -r, --registry-info [<registry>/<username>] - Registry Info: Image registry and username. Note: You must be signed into the registry
  • -o, --output-dir [output directory] - Define where to place build output
  • --timeout [timeout] - How long the API server should wait for a webhook to respond before treating the call as a failure
  • --rbac-mode [admin|scoped] - Rbac Mode: admin, scoped (default: admin) (choices: “admin”, “scoped”, default: “admin”)
  • -i, --custom-image [custom-image] - Custom Image: Use custom image for Admission and Watcher Deployments.
  • --registry [GitHub, Iron Bank] - Container registry: Choose container registry for deployment manifests.
  • -v, --version <version>. Example: '0.27.3' - The version of the Pepr image to use in the deployment manifests.
  • --withPullSecret <imagePullSecret> - Image Pull Secret: Use image pull secret for controller Deployment.
  • -z, --zarf [manifest|chart] - The Zarf package type to generate: manifest or chart (default: manifest).

npx pepr kfc

Execute a kubernetes-fluent-client command. This command is a wrapper around kubernetes-fluent-client.


npx pepr kfc [options] [command]

If you are unsure of what commands are available, you can run npx pepr kfc to see the available commands.

For example, to generate usable types from a Kubernetes CRD, you can run npx pepr kfc crd [source] [directory]. This will generate the types for the [source] CRD and output the generated types to the [directory].

You can learn more about the kubernetes-fluent-client here.