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Contributor Guide

    Thank you for your interest in contributing to Pepr! We welcome all contributions and are grateful for your help. This guide outlines how to get started with contributing to this project.

    Table of Contents

    Code of Conduct

    Please follow our Code of Conduct to maintain a respectful and collaborative environment.

    Getting Started


    1. Fork the repository.
    2. Clone your fork locally: git clone
    3. Install dependencies: npm ci.
    4. Create a new branch for your feature or fix: git checkout -b my-feature-branch.

    Submitting a Pull Request

    1. Create an Issue: For significant changes, please create an issue first, describing the problem or feature proposal. Trivial fixes do not require an issue.
    2. Commit Your Changes: Make your changes and commit them. All commits must be signed.
    3. Run Tests: Ensure that your changes pass all tests by running npm test.
    4. Push Your Branch: Push your branch to your fork on GitHub.
    5. Create a Pull Request: Open a pull request against the main branch of the Pepr repository. Please make sure that your PR passes all CI checks.

    PR Requirements

    • PRs must be against the main branch.
    • PRs must pass CI checks.
    • All commits must be signed.
    • PRs should have a related issue, except for trivial fixes.

    Coding Guidelines

    Please follow the coding conventions and style used in the project. Use ESLint and Prettier for linting and formatting:

    • Check formatting: npm run format:check
    • Fix formatting: npm run format:fix

    Running Tests

    Run Tests Locally

    [!WARNING] Be cautious when creating test cases in journey/!**

    • Test cases that capture end-to-end/journey behavior are usually stored in pepr-excellent-examples or run as a Github workflow (.github/workflows).
    • Journey tests established in journey/ are from an earlier time in project history.
    • Run all tests: npm test

    Test a Local Development Version

    1. Run npm test and wait for completion.
    2. Change to the test module directory: cd pepr-test-module.
    3. You can now run any of the npx pepr commands.

    Running Development Version Locally

    1. Run npm run build to build the package.
    2. For running modified pepr, you have two options:
    • Using npx ts-node ./src/cli.ts init to run the modified code directly, without installing it locally. You’ll need to also run npx link <your_dev_pepr_location> inside your pepr module, to link to the development version of pepr.
    • Install the pre-build package with npm install pepr-0.0.0-development.tgz. You’ll need to re-run the installation after every build, though.
    1. Run npx pepr dev inside your module’s directory to run the modified version of pepr.

    [!TIP] Make sure to re-run npm run build after you modify any of the pepr source files.


    For any questions or concerns, please open an issue on GitHub or contact the maintainers.